How do you find your follow requests on Instagram?

Instagram is one of the most widely used social media platforms, allowing users to share photos, videos, and stories with their followers. As part of its features, Instagram enables users to send and receive follow requests, particularly for private accounts. If you’ve sent or received follow requests and want to check their status, this guide will walk you through the necessary steps.

How to Find Received Follow Requests

If you have a private Instagram account, users must send you a follow request before they can view your posts and stories. To see the follow requests you’ve received, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your smartphone.
  2. Tap your profile icon in the bottom-right corner.
  3. In the top-right corner, tap the menu (three horizontal lines).
  4. Select Followers from the list.
  5. Look for the section labeled Follow Requests. If there are pending requests, they will appear here.

From this section, you can choose to either approve or decline requests. Approving a request allows the user to follow you and see your content, while declining it removes the request permanently.

instagram app

How to Find Sent Follow Requests

Instagram does not provide a direct section inside the app for viewing follow requests you have sent. However, there is an alternative method to check these requests:

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.
  2. Tap the menu (three horizontal lines) in the top-right corner.
  3. Select Your Activity.
  4. Scroll down and tap Download Your Information.
  5. Enter your email address and request to download your Instagram data.
  6. Once you receive the email from Instagram, download and extract the file.
  7. Open the folder and find the file named “Following.html
  8. Open this file in any web browser to see the accounts you’ve sent follow requests to.

While this process is a bit more complex, it is currently the only official way to see the follow requests you have sent. Instagram does not notify you if someone has ignored or declined your request.

Why Can’t I See My Follow Requests?

If you’re unable to find your sent or received follow requests, there could be a few reasons:

  • The User Approved or Declined Your Request: If someone accepted your request, they will now be on your follower list. If they declined it, your request will no longer be visible.
  • The Request Was Withdrawn: If you previously sent a follow request but no longer see it, you may have accidentally canceled it.
  • The User’s Account Was Deleted or Changed: If the person you requested to follow has deleted their account or changed it to private, the request may no longer be visible.
instagram gallery

Managing Follow Requests Effectively

To ensure better control over your privacy and interactions, here are some best practices regarding follow requests:

  • Regularly Review Your Follow Requests: Check your received requests periodically, especially if you have a private account.
  • Be Mindful of Sent Requests: Only send follow requests to accounts that you genuinely want to interact with.
  • Use Instagram’s Privacy Settings: If you receive too many unwanted follow requests, consider adjusting your privacy settings or switching to a private account if you’re currently public.


Understanding how to find and manage your Instagram follow requests allows you to maintain better control over your connections. Whether you are checking pending follow requests or reviewing the ones you’ve sent, following the steps outlined in this guide will help ensure you effectively manage your Instagram interactions.