Best Cold Email Tools for Marketers That Will Help You Capture More Leads

When choosing a marketing strategy, one of the most cost-effective and most used ones is email marketing. It is effortless to use and provides complete control in establishing direct contact with customers.

It is essential to know that the bulk of success depends on how much you invest in marketing advertising. Cold email is a technique where you send informative emails to different addresses without any prior contact.


Many compare it to spam, although that is not correct. Cold email aims to build trust with potential customers. Those companies that choose this marketing method want to target a specific audience interested in the offer: a product or a service.

In essence, cold email works as a type of advertisement and a means to start a conversation online. If you use this method of advertising correctly, you can attract new customers.

There are many tools used for this advertising method, especially for email automation, to improve sales and productivity.


How to choose the best cold email tool? To answer that question, we offer you some options to take advantage of and tailor to your needs.

1. Postaga


One of the first tools we present to you works by finding the best opportunities to share and promote your advertisements. Postaga offers you an analysis of content, key contacts, and related information, thus increasing the chance of success of your campaign.

It provides a tremendous range with which you can quickly and easily create and send personalized emails. You can connect via social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) to collect basic information about new customers.

You can sort customers based on who responded to the email and who did not. The tool can be customized for all types of campaigns and offers several already-made templates. It is up to you to choose the one that suits you and start the magic!

2. Cold Email Master

Cold Email Master

Want to run your campaign using email but don’t know how and don’t have the time? This tool comes in a clutch, developed to give you step-by-step instructions and teach you the whole process of sending a cold email.

Cold Email Master offers you the opportunity to learn how to ignore some email addresses and respond to others, as well as how to make your email addresses unique.

With this course, you will learn everything you need, from the structure of an email to writing key lines that will make your email stand out in the crowd.

3. Woodpecker


Woodpecker is a tool specifically designed for sending and tracking cold emails. It integrates easily with other applications such as Zapier, Salesforce, Gmail, Outlook, Office 365, and Exchange accounts.

This tool’s features are a compelling dashboard for team activities, double contact detection, customer support, high security, and automated A / B testing. You can send emails individually on a frequency, making it look like you have sent them manually.

According to statistics, Woodpecker is one of the best and most secure tools for automated campaigns and B2B companies. What may turn you down is paying to access other options (besides the free 14-day trial).

4. SalesHandy


The best features you can get by using SalesHandy are automatic tracking, sending, and controlling cold emails. The moment users open or read your email, you get automatic notifications about those actions.

It can easily integrate with Gmail or Outlook, which additionally enables mail tracking. This powerful tool also offers a detailed analysis of each phase, insight into users’ behavior, and tracking trends. It sets it apart from other similar devices and is especially interesting for small and medium-sized companies.

Be part of the desirable community of users of this powerful tool, along with thousands of other professionals, salespeople, bloggers, and freelancers.

It comes with a free 14-day version, with unlimited tracking of your email. For more options, you can try one of the three paid versions offered.

5. Mailshake


When it comes to this tool, it belongs to one of the most straightforward solutions for sending a cold email. How does it work?

Mailshake is designed for sales and automation and can customize cold emails for your contacts. With the help of automation, personalized templates, and quick stopping of any email, it simplifies running and organizing “cold” campaigns via email.

You can also track email, clicks and responses, view charts and statistics, and the general progress of your email. With Lead Catcher, this tool can further customize the criteria for sending mail, depending on your potential customers.

It integrates easily with other devices. You can connect with customers via social networks or by phone. The only drawback is that there is no free trial period of use, only paid versions.

7. Outreach


Outreach is a platform designed for engagement during sales to facilitate email automation workflow in tracking, reach, and response.

The platform’s goal is to allow companies to communicate with larger masses uniquely. This tool offers you time savings and better efficiency.

Its creators also paid particular attention to intelligent automation to ensure the best possible response to your emails. It is one of the most valuable tools for sellers because it can seamlessly integrate SMS and phone calls as a viable way to reach customers.

The downside of this tool that may be a problem for some is poor integration with Gmail or Salesforce and its price range.

8. Reply


If you want to improve your sales reach, Reply is the tool for you. Email campaigns, with all the features this tool offers, take on a whole new meaning.

Reply has enviable reporting power, displays data and metrics related to your campaign, along with delivery, clicks, rejected mail, etc. The benefits are the many features it offers, and it’s easy to set up and use.

The addresses can be sequenced, and A/B tested. You can set up your email tracking order through this unique platform while maximizing your conversion rate and save time over standard manual data entry.

Integration from CSV and CRM is possible but not from Google Sheets, which can be problematic in some cases. Unlike other similar tools, Reply also comes with a trial 14-day version.

There are many reasons you should choose this tool. It’s up to you to visit their official page and find out more.

9. Mixmax


As the name of Mixmax suggests, it is a matter of mixing and combining several actions at once. It makes it easy to plan the creation of email and schedule appointments. You can create custom calendar templates or graphics in a presentation or PDF format.

Many users are fans of this tool because, in addition to numerous features, it contains a “cancel send” button and the possibility of insight through an email-based survey.

The sequences represent the “gold mine” in the world of cold emails. Depending on clients’ answers and behavior, you can decide to whom you want to send specific emails.

With this tool, scheduling meetings will no longer be on the list of problems to be solved.


If you decide to start an email campaign and create your cold emails, you will have many positive outcomes. But if you do not tailor your campaign to your needs, capabilities, and resources available, you may not see the expected results.

Cold emails allow you to develop and expand your existing customer base. Work on perfecting your attention-grabbing technique that can be crucial to the whole process. Be unique with your offers, and create your unique cold email.

Combining your experience and some of the presented tools, you can create a path to success with many facilitations. According to statistics, over 80% of marketers reported using email as their primary production channel. If you have not tried this marketing field before, now is the time to try something new to bring freshness and novelty to your techniques.